
RedacCie from MSTV Stennis

“Jullie likken, wij tikken”

The RedacCie publishes the Crack (news magazine) five times per academic year. In addition, the RedacCie writes a beautiful piece about the Stennisser of the month, the top players of the association.

RedacCie Registrations

In recent weeks you all received the first Crack of this academic year. For the upcoming Cracks you must indicate whether you want to receive them. So if you enjoyed reading last crack and don't want to miss all the fun of the cracks this year, send an email to or slide into our DM on Instagram: redacciestennis. Please include your name and address in the message. PS You only have to indicate once this academic year that you want to receive the crack.

Cracks and Stennisser of the month

Ask permission to review the cracks and Stenniser of the month in our Google Drive!

Members of the Editorial Committee

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